Anterior Bridge using Perfit TSML
Date 22-09-23 11:15
Views 894


User Name Minchang Kang
Country South Korea
Occupation DT, Min Dental Lab
Product Perfit ZR TSML A2

Unlike other manufacturers, Perfit ZR TSML has a natural gradation color and translucency on the surface. 

The border of a disc does not break due to high strength even I used C-Clamp during milling. I did coloring to customize teeth that is mid-50s and A3 Shade. 

However, I will not do coloring if I need A2 shade with A2 disc. I love expressing the shade from Perfit ZR TSML!


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1.상악전치 컬러링_강민창 실장 (2).JPG


1.상악전치 컬러링_강민창 실장 (3).JPG


1.상악전치 컬러링_강민창 실장 (4).JPG