3-Unit Posterior Bridge using Perfit STML
Date 23-07-19 16:21
Views 964


User Name M.Villa & C. Cavallaro
Country Italy
Occupation MDT, Labor tre snc Seregno
Product Perfit ZR STML A3.5


DT. M.Villa and C. Cavallaroshared shared a photo of the 3-Unit Postior Bridge made using Perfit STML at Labor tre snc Seregno, Italy. 

"We worked with 'Perfit ZR STML A3.5'. The results we achieved were simply outstanding, 

with the restorations displaying an amazing color matching after sintering that seamlessly blended with the patient's existing teeth."


STML A3.5 Feedback (1).jpg


STML A3.5 Feedback (2).jpg


STML A3.5 Feedback (3).jpeg


STML A3.5 Feedback (6).jpeg


STML A3.5 Feedback (4).jpeg